Size guide Hats Panama Ecuador

How to measure the circumference of my head before buying a Montecristi toquilla straw Panama hat?

How to know the exact head measurement before buying a toquilla straw Panama hat, the objective is to buy a comfortable hat, that is, not too big, because it could fly away with the wind and not too small because it could hurt your head. .

tallas de un sombrero fino
ize guide

What would be the perfect size to buy an Original Panama Hat?

We all have different head sizes and it is very important to know how to select a measurement according to its characteristics. The means to verify the correct measurement are as follows:

  • Tape measure: This has to go above the ears (1cm) and in the middle of the forehead, also in the back the widest part so that it reflects the correct size, in case you do not have a tape measure, look at the following item.
  • Rope – rope – charger cable:  You do the same exercise as above, and then proceed to put it on top of a ruler or meter (flexometer).
  • You can download the virtual measuring tape in the following button, I recommend that when you print it you confirm the sizes with a ruler
download it here

Important: If you are in the dilemma of buying the exact size or the next one

For example, you are between the size (56 cm or 57 cm) I recommend you select the largest, because it is better that it is a little big, remember the toquilla straw hat could shrink over time and you have to take this factor into account.

It is important that you know that we always send size reducers with each order, this would help you reduce the sizes from 1cm to 2cm.

The smallest toquilla straw hat is size 54cm and the largest is 65cm, the maximum size in Panama hats from Ecuador.

If you have any questions, you can contact us in the live chat or WhatsApp direct, also to [email protected] 

In the following graph we show you the measurements: