Fair Trade Panama Hats

Fair Trade Panama Hats

It is defined as a set of practices that seeks to protect the human, social and political development of people, for Montecuador it is a vital issue for business development, for the elaboration of handmade hats several people with different skills are needed, all It is a process that has to be followed until a finished hat is obtained. We have an average of 70 families of artisans.

7 principles that apply to weavers of Panama hats.

  1. Provide opportunities to weavers who do not find a buyer immediately and help them improve their economic situation.

  2. Transparency and responsibility in our orders with the weavers.

  3. Fair trade practices between the first, second and third craftsmen until the final finish.

  4. Assess the effort of making a hat to weavers.

  5. Support all artisans equally, without gender discrimination, we motivate them with incentives.

  6. I work from home, all the weavers make their hats at home, except for live performances in the workshop.

  7. We respect the environment by cleaning and planting toquilla straw

Note: All toquilla straw hats apply to fair trade, and you can find them in 2 categories.

Panama Hat Ecuador

Prices from $149 US to $170 US

Montecristi Hat Quality

Prices from US$200 to US$4000