What are the finest hats in the world?

What are the finest hats in the world

The best Panama Hat in the world

The finest hat in the world is known as the “Montecristi Golden” or “Montecristi fine 45-50 point”. This hat is considered a masterpiece of craftsmanship and is produced exclusively in the city of Montecristi, in the province of Manabí, on the coast of Ecuador.

The process of making a Montecristi Golden hat can take several months and requires exceptional craftsmanship. The weaving is done with extremely fine threads, with a weaving density that can reach 45-50 threads per inch. This means that the hat is so thin and light that it can fit through a ring and weigh as little as a few ounces.

Due to its exclusivity, quality and beauty, the Montecristi Golden hat is highly valued throughout the world and can reach very high prices. Some hats of this type have been known to sell for more than $100,000 at art and antique auctions.

panama hat golden montecristi

Although they are popularly known as “panama hats”, toquilla straw hats are actually native to Ecuador, they are produced mainly in the coastal region of the country. The finest and most famous toquilla straw hat in the world, known as “Montecristi Golden”, is made exclusively in the city of Montecristi, in the province of Manabí, on the coast of Ecuador.

On the other hand, although toquilla straw hats are known as “panama hats”, their name is due to a historical misunderstanding. During the 19th century, toquilla straw hats were exported from Ecuador through the port of Panama, from where they were distributed throughout the world. As a result, these hats became popular as “panama hats”, despite the fact that they were produced in Ecuador.

Today, although some toquilla straw hats are produced in other countries in the region, such as Colombia or Peru, most of the highest quality and finest hats are still made in Ecuador, especially in the Manabí region.

Curious fact: To obtain a Golden hat, it is very important to know the exact size, because it will be custom made to fit your head, where an error can mean a great economic loss for us artisans, on our website you can find this hat at a craftsman cost