Panama Hat Maintenance

panama hat maintenance

Instructions for use of the Panama Hat

When you buy a Panama hat, you don’t have the knowledge of what to do if something happens to it by accident, including how to wear it, then how to keep your hat in perfect condition.

To put on the hat correctly, you take hold of the brim, it is a position called Michael Jackson, it allows you not to manipulate the crown, specifically the tip, if you do it a few times it will not be damaged, but if it is frequently it is.

Where to keep the Panama hat?

When you receive your hat directly from Ecuador, it is sent in a cardboard box accompanied by a pack that allows the hat not to be mistreated during the trip, also with a special ecological cover, the latter does not take up much space.
Important tip:
If you are the person who perspires a lot or normally before storing the hat in the special cover or cardboard, put it in a ventilated or sunny place for 20 minutes, which allows its fibers to remain dry, otherwise if it is stored wet it will could damage over time, obtaining veragua.

What to do if the Panama hat gets wet?


Most of the time the Panama hat is used on the beach, it usually happens that a strong wind makes it fly, the consequences, it gets dirty with sand and the brim or crown gets wet, the first thing you have to do, after arriving home, leave the hat in a cool and dry place, the next day with the help of a brush or cloth, remove the sand from the hat, next, put the hat in a firm place, get a cloth, place it on top of the hat and iron it all around and it will look better. .

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What to do if the Panama hat has shrunk?

It is a very interesting question that customers ask themselves for several years after, they bought a hat to their size but over time it feels smaller or tighter, that causes a headache, as a consequence you will no longer use it.
The solution is as follows: put a pot of water to boil, wait until the steam comes out, remove the outer band of the hat, place it in the steam for 3 minutes, put the hat on the knee like the following image and perform a little stretch, then you let it dry in a cool and dry place, finally you try it on and you will feel a big change, it is important that the outer band has to want to be different because it will no longer fit the same hat.
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